Roast Root vegetables (side dish or base for other dishes)
- 2 Potatoes
- 2 Sweet Potatoes
- 2 Carrots
- 2 Parsnips
- 2 Onions
- 2 Garlic
- 3 tbsp Olive oil

Root vegetable and gruyere frittata Root vegetable and gruyere frittata
Root vegetable and bean soup
Root vegetable and feta cheese salad
Root Vegetable pitta pockets
1. Preheat your oven to 180C. Scrub the vegetables well but don’t peel them and chop in 1.5cms cubes (more or less). Peel and quarter the onions and smash the garlic cloves on a cutting board with the side of a knife.
2. Line a baking tray with parchment to avoid having to scrub the pan afterwards and put your vegetables in, add a good glug of regular olive oil, mix them all up a bit with your hands, add salt and pepper and maybe some herbs like rosemary and sick in the oven for 30 to 45 minutes.
3. I prefer not to use extra virgin olive oil for roasting and frying because its smoke point is lower than refined, so it becomes rancid and releases harmful free-radicals more quickly than other oils. I tend to use regular olive oil or rapeseed oil which have smoke points of around 200C.
Substitute pumpkin/butternut squash for sweet potatoes
Add some jerusalem artichokes when in season
Use some beetroot, especially if you can find different colours instead of the sweet potatoes and parsnips.