Chicken, chickpea and winter vegetable soup
- 450 g Leftover roast chicken
- 1200 ml Chicken stock
- 3 Carrots
- 3 Parsnips
- 3 Potatoes
- 150 g Cabbage
- 240 g Cooked chickpeas

This soup freezes very well as a mash for infants, but in its adults version it is not a good idea to freeze, as the potato becomes very soft after being frozen. If you want to freeze a part use 20 g of wholemeal pasta or brown rice per person.
Information: For babies, just put a couple of tablespoons of the soup in a blender until smooth (or texture that the baby likes), if it is too liquid add a little baby rice, if it is too thick, add a little more broth or milk, or formula.
1. Scrub all vegetables well and peel them if you prefer although I tend to leave them unpeeled as a lot of the vitamins sit right underneath the skins. Dice the veggies quite small, especially if babies are eating this soup.
Bring the chicken stock to the boil and add the diced vegetables and chickpeas bring it back to the boil and reduce the heat to a gentle simmer. Cook until the vegetables are just about tender – approximately 15 minutes but it depends on the size of your dice.
2. While the root vegetables are cooking, wash and shred the cabbage very small. Add it to the simmering pan together with the shredded chicken and cook for 5 more minutes.
3. Serve the soup with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and wholemeal bread to soak up the lovely stock.
4. For young babies, just put a o couple of scoops of the soup in a blender and whizz until smooth (or whatever texture your baby is enjoying), if too runny add a bit of baby rice, if too thick add some more stock or a bit of full-fat, breast or follow-on milk.
5. This soup freezes very well in puree form for babies but the grown up version doesn’t freeze so well as the potato becomes rather mushy. IF you want to freeze some use 20g of wholemeal pasta shapes or brown rice per person.
Para los bebés, sólo hay que poner un par de cucharadas de la sopa en una licuadora hasta que quede suave (o la textura que al bebé le guste), si es demasiado líquida añadir un poco de arroz para bebés, si es demasiado espesa añadir un poco más de caldo o leche entera, materna o de fórmula.